Background homepage

Uncompromising Quality.

Jensen Investment Management is a high-conviction, active equity manager with an unwavering commitment to quality. The firm focuses on companies derived from a select universe of businesses that have produced a long-term record of persistently high returns on shareholder equity.

  • $12.4B Assets Under Management as of June 30, 2024
  • 100% Employee Owned
  • 35 Years Since Founding


Our Team

Jensen approaches investing as a team. Our portfolio managers work together, bringing diverse perspectives and a broad spectrum of business experience to every investment decision. Through the investment team’s collaboration and depth of focus, they strive to provide a consistently sound investment process, despite changing market conditions.

Select Team

Headshot of Jensen, Managing Director Allen Bond

Allen T. Bond, CFA

Managing Director,
Head of Research & Portfolio Manager
Headshot of Jensen employee Shannon Contreras

Shannon M. Contreras, IACCP®

Managing Director,
Headshot of Jensen employee Gabriel Goddard

Gabriel L. Goddard

Managing Director,
Chief Compliance Officer & General Counsel
Headshot of Jensen Managing Director Rob McIver

Rob McIver

Managing Director,
President & Portfolio Manager
Headshot of Jensen Managing Director Eric Schoenstein

Eric H. Schoenstein

Managing Director,
Chief Investment Officer & Portfolio Manager
Headshot of Jensen employee Rama Balasubramanian

Rama Balasubramanian

Operations & Information Systems
Headshot of Jensen employee Phillip Bennett

Phillip Bennett

Institutional Sales & Client Services
Headshot of Jensen employee Richard Clark

Richard Clark

Business Development
Headshot of Jensen employee Crista DesRochers

Crista DesRochers, CIPM

Client Services
Headshot of Jensen employee Adam Dunn

Adam Dunn

Headshot of Jensen employee Dorothy Friedrich

Dorothy Friedrich

Headshot of Jensen employee Keith Reiland

Keith Reiland

Private Client
Headshot placeholder

Matt Murphy

Relationship Manager, Eastern Region
Joined the firm in 2024. Matt is responsible for intermediary client coverage and business development in the eastern United States. Prior to working at Jensen, he held senior positions at Aristotle Capital/Pacific Funds, Forester Capital LLC and BNY Mellon Investment Management. Matt earned a BA in American Studies from the University of Dayton and resides in Cincinnati, Ohio.


Jensen Quality Strategies

At Jensen, we search for quality companies by targeting exceptional business performance combined with endurance.

Quality Growth

30+ years of unwavering commitment to quality.

  • US Large-Cap Blend / Large-Cap Core
  • Bottom-Up Fundamentals
  • Portfolio Companies from Jensen Quality Universe TM
  • Team Approach

Quality Value

Capturing quality down the cap spectrum.

  • Mid-Cap Blend / Mid-Cap Core
  • Bottom-Up Fundamentals
  • Portfolio Companies from Jensen Quality Universe TM
  • Team Approach

Global Quality Growth

Quality is location and domicile agnostic.

  • Global Large-Cap Growth / Large-Cap Core
  • Bottom-Up Fundamentals
  • Portfolio Companies from Jensen Quality Universe TM
  • Team Approach